Milauskas Eye Institute At Flying Doctors Clinic

Recently, Dr.’s Yoh and Frassato joined doctors and medical professionals from across the country for the Flying Doctors Health Clinic, at Desert Mirage High School in Thermal. They volunteered their time to give free eye exams to residents of the Coachella Valley who do not have medical insurance and cannot afford healthcare.
This clinic is a temporary comprehensive health care center offering physicals, eye exams, teeth cleanings and cancer screenings, among other routine check-ups and exams. Over 250 volunteers, including fly-in doctors and local doctors, saw hundreds of patients.
Eyeglasses donated to the Lions club and MEI were given out to those that needed them but could not afford to purchase new ones.
Milauskas Eye Institute would like to thank Dr. Frassato, DR. Yoh and the other volunteers for donating their time to help those in need in our community.