Protecting Your Eyes During Allergy Season

For some people and their eyes, it seems like every season is allergy season. In the spring, it is due to tree and flower pollen; in the summer these are joined by grass pollen. In the fall weed pollen is the culprit. What is the result of all of these? Red itchy eyes that also burn and sting. For some allergy sufferers, here in the desert, these eye-irritating allergies can be an issue for as many as 10 months out of the year.
How Do I Protect My Eyes During Allergy Season?
Since seasonal allergies are most often caused by plant life that releases pollen into the air, they can be difficult to avoid. There are, however, some steps you can take to help lessen your allergy symptoms and protect your eyes:
- Pay attention to pollen reports. Local weather channels or weather-related Internet sites regularly gives the pollen counts. When pollen counts are high, restrict outdoor activities when possible.
- Have someone else mow your grass when possible.
- Close doors and windows and use air conditioning during warmer months.
- Consider purchasing a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter. These filter systems are very effective at removing allergens from the air indoors.
These preventive measures are just the first step to controlling seasonal allergies. For many, the next step is discussing with their doctor possible allergy drugs to help relieve symptoms. There are many effective medications to help eliminate allergy symptoms, and by making a trip to your eye doctor for an eye allergy evaluation, he or she can prescribe the correct medication to help prevent irritation or itchiness from occurring.
If you are suffering from eye allergies, be sure to give us a call and let us help you.