April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month

Every year, more and more women are diagnosed with eye problems—including visual impairment brought on by illness, age and other factors.
It is important for women to undergo annual eye exams with the potential for more frequent check-ups if they are in an age bracket with a higher risk of visual impairment or eye health issues that may increase their risk of developing eye problems. Women with occupations where eye health and safety may be at risk should also get their eye health routinely inspected to help prevent the chance for injury or impairment.
Here are some tips to ensure the health of your eyes and vision.
Get your eyes examined
Be proactive and schedule regular eye exams. Prevent Blindness America recommends that everyone have a comprehensive eye exam by age 40, if not earlier, and to receive follow up care as recommended by your eye doctor.
Eat healthy
A healthy diet makes for healthier eyes. It is recommended that women eat a diet rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, beta cartone, lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. This includes eating two weekly servings of fish, such as salmon and sardines. Dark leafy greens and broccoli are also excellent foods for healthy eyes.
Stay active
Regular exercise is known to reduce the risk of eye disease. If you choose to be active by walking or exercising outside, make sure to wear proper sun protection, like hats and sunglasses. These are some simple and effective measures that will go a long way in protecting your vision.
Learn more about dry eye syndrome
Dry eye syndrome affects an estimated 3.2 million women in America. It is classified as itching, burning and irritation in the eyes due to a lack of tears to lubricate and nourish the eyes. Without proper moisture, dry eye can result in damage to the frontal surface of the eye and ultimately lead to impaired vision. Your best defense is to discuss dry eye with your doctor and stay informed of what your treatment options may be.
At Milauskas Eye Institute, we encourage women to take care of their eyes not only during Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month, but all year round.