Save Money And Use Your Flex Spending Plan On LASIK

LASIK is considered an elective procedure, and therefore, not covered by most vision or health plans. However, FSA’s and HSA’s– Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Savings Accounts allow you to take funds set aside for your healthcare and apply them toward your LASIK eye surgery cost. The benefits of using these accounts are that the funds are not subject to taxes and can generally be used at your discretion for health services (be sure to check your individual FSA or HSA plan for guidelines).
However, there is only a short time left to use these funds as most Flex Plans have a “Use It or Lose It” policy. If you don’t use the money within your plan’s time constraints (usually December 31), your hard-earned savings will be gone forever.
Under IRS guidelines, laser vision procedures (including LASIK eye surgery) are an eligible FSA expense. Utilizing this tax-free Flexible Spending money can reduce or eliminate your out of pocket cost for LASIK (depending on the amount in your FSA account).
So, “Use it Before you Lose it.” Call Milauskas Eye Institute today for your FREE LASIK Consultation and to find out how you can use your Flexible Spending Account to help you get the clear vision you’ve always wanted – (760) 564-7294
For more information on FSA’s/HSA’s, click here.